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  • 08 Jul 2015 2:00 PM | Todd

    Governor Paul LePage signed LD 652, Maine Constitutional Carry bill, into law today in a private signing ceremony in the Cabinet Room of the State House. Present for the signing were Gun Owner of Maine Founder Shane Belanger, President Todd Tolhurst, and Firearms Policy Analyst Jeff Zimba.

    The law will become effective 90 days after the Legislature adjourns.

    LD 652 Signing, 07/08/2015

  • 28 Apr 2015 3:30 PM | Todd

    Firearms instructors across Maine support LD 652, Constitutional Carry.  Read the full press release.

  • 13 Apr 2015 5:02 PM | Todd

    Senator Stan Gerzofsky said on television that he has a list of Concealed Handgun Permits which were denied. 

    But permit information is confidential by law.  

    Has the Senator admitted to committing a crime?  That's the question Gun Owners of Maine is asking of the Joint Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety and the President of the Senate.

    Read more here.

  • 13 Apr 2015 4:43 PM | Todd


    Ok, folks, here's the current situation. We did a great job of showing support for LD 652, the Consititional Carry bill, at last Wednesday's public hearing. But, of course, it's not going to be nearly that easy to win. Our opponents are SHOVELLING out-of-state money into Maine to defeat us, and vastly outnumbering us with calls to legislators.

    We have not come this far to be defeated by billionaire-bought astroturf. We need everyone to call your legislators now -- *right now*, as you read this message -- to urge them to support LD 652 and Constitutional Carry.

    You can look up your legislators using the link below -- call BOTH your Senator and your Representative. Be polite, but be firm: You want them to support LD 652.

    Do *not* leave this to someone else to do. We need every single voice behind us on this to counter the manufactured opposition. Call right now.


    You can also leave a message for your representatives at the following numbers:

    House Democrats: (207) 287-1430
    House Republicans: 207-287-1440
    Senate Democrats: (207) 287-1515
    Senate Republicans: (207) 287-1505

  • 27 Feb 2015 4:08 PM | Todd

    Senator Eric Brakey Submits Constitutional Carry Bill; Has Nearly 100 Co-Sponsors

    Augusta – Senator Eric Brakey (R-Androscoggin) today submitted his legislationkn own as LD 652, to allow Mainers to carry a concealed handgun without a permit, if they are already legally eligible to own a handgun. The legislation, commonly known as “Constitutional Carry” or “Vermont Carry,” has garnered wide bipartisan support from both legislative chambers.

    A total of 96 legislators---representing well over 50% of all Maine’s law makers, including a majority of members in the Democrat-controlled House---signed on as bill sponsors. Members of both Republican and Democrat legislative leadership have signed on to support the legislation.

    “I am glad to have strong bipartisan support from both chambers for this bill,” said Senator Brakey. “This is a moderate proposal. It allows law-abiding citizens, who are already legally eligible to carry a visible handgun, to also carry a concealed handgun. Under current Maine law, the simple action of putting on a jacket turns a law-abiding gun owner into a law breaker, unless they undergo a lengthy permitting process. This legislation changes that, and in doing so restores our Second Amendment Rights.”

    Though eligible citizens would no longer be required to seek a permit to carry a concealed handgun within Maine’s borders, the legislation preserves Maine’s permitting system so that citizens can enjoy reciprocity with other states.

    Constitutional Carry is currently the law in the states of Vermont, Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, Wyoming and Oklahoma.

    A public hearing has not yet been scheduled for the legislation.

  • 25 Jan 2015 2:14 PM | Todd

    You can now follow Gun Owners of Maine on Twitter at @GunOwnersME. We'll posts news items, announcements and action alerts on our feed. It's a convenient way to keep current on important happenings regarding your gun rights.  Follow us today!

  • 23 Jan 2015 6:13 PM | Todd
    We will be tracking the progress of bills of interest to gun owners in the 127th Maine Legislature, and providing action alerts to support good bills and oppose bad bills.  You can keep up to date by checking this page periodically.  Sign up here for our alert list to be notified when action is needed.
  • 22 Jan 2015 12:00 PM | Todd
    We have new stickers in stock! Suitable for your vehicle, window or anything else you'd like to declare your support for the right to keep and bear arms. 
  • 19 Jan 2015 1:00 PM | Todd

    The Windham Weaponry MPC-RF fundraising raffle sold out at the Augusta Gun Show this past weekend, and the drawing for the winner was held on Monday, 1/19/2015.  The winning ticket, drawn from the 250 tickets sold, belonged to Lance Michaud of Ashland.

    Congratulations to Lance, and we know he'll enjoy this fine rifle from a great Maine manufacturer.

  • 27 Sep 2014 9:21 AM | Todd

    LePage, Poliquin, Misiuk awarded top grades

    Gun Owners of Maine is pleased to present its candidate grades for the 2014 Maine Gubernatorial and Congressional candidates.  Read the press release here.

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