Maine Shooting Ranges

Practice and training are important parts of responsible gun ownership.

Maine is fortunate to have nearly 80 indoor and outdoor gun ranges across our state, providing gun owners with places to sharpen their skills. Many of these ranges are maintained by rod & gun clubs that offer firearm training and other events and resources of interest to gun owners. 

Some of these ranges are public, others are private. Please contact each range directly for more information or terms and conditions of use.

Maintaining a list like this is an ongoing task; we welcome feedback and updates. 

A-Team Muzzle Loaders (Limington):
Androscoggin County Fish & Game Association (Auburn):
Arnold Trail Gun Club (Sidney):
Big Pine Gun Club (Guilford):
Black Bear Rod & Gun Club (Frenchville):
Blue Hill Rifle & Pistol Club (Blue Hill):
Border Riders Sportsman Club (Dennistown):
Boothbay Region Fish & Game Association (Boothbay):
Bucks Mills Rod & Gun Club (Bucksport/Verona Island):
Buxton Hollis Rod & Gun Club (Hollis):
Calais Rod & Gun Club (Charlotte):
Camp Ellis Rod & Gun Club (Saco):
Capitol City Rifle & Pistol Club (Augusta):
Carrabassett Valley Outdoor Association (Carrabassett):
Cumberland Rifle & Pistol Club (West Cumberland):
Durham Rod & Gun Club (Durham):
Economy Guns/Indoor Shooting Range (Madison):
Falmouth Rod & Gun Club (Falmouth):
Fryeburg MIFW Range (Fryeburg):
Great Farm Rifle Club (Jackson):
HDS Armory (Bristol):
Hampden Rifle & Pistol Club (Hampden):
Hermon Skeet Club (Hermon):
Houlton Rifle & Pistol Club (Houlton):
Howell’s Indoor Range & Gun Shop (Gray):
IF&W Summerhaven Range (Augusta):
Islesboro Sporting Club (Isleboro):
Kennebunk Fish & Game Club (Kennebunk):
Knox County Fish & Game Association (Hope/Union):
L.L. Bean Fogg Farm (Freeport):
Lake Thompson Fish & Game (Oxford):
Liberty Firearms Academy (New Vineyard):
Lincoln County Fish and Game Association (Waldoboro):
Lincoln County Rifle Club (Damariscotta):
Lisbon Fish & Game Association (Lisbon):
Maine Military Supply (Holden):
Maine Outdoor Sportsman (Northport):
Maine Youth Fish & Game Association (Hancock County):
Monmouth Fish & Game Association (Monmouth):
North Berwick Rod & Gun Club (North Berwick):
North Franklin Sportsmen Club-Salem Gun Club (Phillips):
Northern York County Rod & Gun Club (West Newfield):
Northwood Shooting Sports (Lee): Malletts Mill Rd, Lee, ME 04455
Norway-Paris Fish & Game Association (South Paris):
Orrington Rod and Gun Club (Orrington):
Penobscot Long Rifles (Stetson):
Phippsburg Sportsmen’s Association (Phippsburg):
Pleasant River Fish & Game Conservation Association (Columbia):
Presque Isle Fish & Game Club (Presque Isle):
Princeton Rod & Gun Club (Princeton):
Rangeley Region Guides’ & Sportsmen’s Association (Rangeley):
Rangeley Region Skeet & Trap Association (Oquossoc):
Richmond Sportsman Association (Richmond):
Royal River Rod & Gun Club (New Gloucester):
S&S Weapons, LLC (East Millinocket):
Sagadahoc Rod, Gun, and Skeet Association (Bath):
Samoset Fish & Game Club (Bristol):
Sanford-Springfield Fish & Game (Sanford):
Scarborough Fish & Game Association (Scarborough):
Sentinel Training Range @ Adaptable Arms (Ludlow):
Skowhegan Sportsman Club (Skowhegan):
South Berwick Rod & Gun Association (South Berwick):
Southern Maine Fish & Game Club (Kittery):
Spurwink Rod & Gun Club (Cape Elizabeth):
Summerhaven MDIW Range (Augusta)
Top Gun of Maine (Poland):
Verney’s Clay Sports (Richmond):
Waterford Fish & Game Club (Waterford):
Webb River Valley Sportsman Club (Dixfield):
West Gardiner Rod & Gun Club (West Gardiner):
Western Maine Fish & Game (Harrison):
Wilton Fish & Game Club (Wilton):
Windham Gorham Rod & Gun Club (Gorham):
Windham Indoor Shooting Range & Retail Store (Windham):
Wiscasset Rod & Gun Club (Wiscasset):
York County Fish & Game Association (Lyman):

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