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LD 652, Constitutional Carry Bill Introduced in Legislature!

27 Feb 2015 4:08 PM | Todd

Senator Eric Brakey Submits Constitutional Carry Bill; Has Nearly 100 Co-Sponsors

Augusta – Senator Eric Brakey (R-Androscoggin) today submitted his legislationkn own as LD 652, to allow Mainers to carry a concealed handgun without a permit, if they are already legally eligible to own a handgun. The legislation, commonly known as “Constitutional Carry” or “Vermont Carry,” has garnered wide bipartisan support from both legislative chambers.

A total of 96 legislators---representing well over 50% of all Maine’s law makers, including a majority of members in the Democrat-controlled House---signed on as bill sponsors. Members of both Republican and Democrat legislative leadership have signed on to support the legislation.

“I am glad to have strong bipartisan support from both chambers for this bill,” said Senator Brakey. “This is a moderate proposal. It allows law-abiding citizens, who are already legally eligible to carry a visible handgun, to also carry a concealed handgun. Under current Maine law, the simple action of putting on a jacket turns a law-abiding gun owner into a law breaker, unless they undergo a lengthy permitting process. This legislation changes that, and in doing so restores our Second Amendment Rights.”

Though eligible citizens would no longer be required to seek a permit to carry a concealed handgun within Maine’s borders, the legislation preserves Maine’s permitting system so that citizens can enjoy reciprocity with other states.

Constitutional Carry is currently the law in the states of Vermont, Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, Wyoming and Oklahoma.

A public hearing has not yet been scheduled for the legislation.


  • 22 Mar 2015 10:44 AM | Erik Carrasco
    This bill is exactly the kind of bill to be good for personal protection and a up rising of our greatest document The Constitution.God bless Our Senators and America.
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    • 11 May 2015 9:17 AM | f.t.
      I have a concealed carry permit for Maine. If this law means that people don't need to have a background check and don't have to have a Gun Safety Class, then I'm NOT for allowing this bill. I understand the 2nd Amendment and support it, within reason but I have a friend who doesn't have a permit or any formal safety training. He and I and another friend went shooting and this guy made two of us very nervous because he was careless with the gun at the range. He said he could get a permit because he was in the Navy (about 40 years ago) which means nothing to me. Bottom line. He is NOT prohibited by law from having a gun but he IS untrained and UNSAFE.
      If there is no system for background checks and training in this bill, I am NOT for it. Stick to the permits and make training and background checks mandatory. Its only good common sense and still allows peoples 2nd amendment right to guns, if they are not otherwise prohibited.
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      • 21 May 2015 2:51 PM | Anonymous
        Background checks are required when purchasing a gun. Open carry does not require training. Should we require mandatory training and a permit for that too? Did the two of you respectfully explain to your friend why he made you nervous? Or did you miss a "teachable moment"? And what is common sense about restricting the natural right to defend oneself when criminals don't obey any gun laws like background checks and mandatory training? By the way the 2nd Amendment is about defending one's life and liberty, not the "right to guns". Respectfully, if you truly understand and support the 2nd Amendment, you would know this.
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