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  • 27 Jan 2016 10:38 PM | Todd
    Maine residents holding a Maine Concealed Handgun Permit will now also be able to carry a handgun in the State of Florida, as a result of legislation passed in 2015 with the support of Gun Owners of Maine.

    LD 868, sponsored by Maine Sen. Paul Davis, overwhelmingly passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 98-43, and unanimously passed the Senate.  The bill established a simple and fair rule for Maine’s recognition of other state’s concealed weapons permits: If another state recognizes Maine’s permit, Maine will recognize theirs.  This replaced the old system in which the Chief of the State Police was able to enter into formal reciprocity agreements with other states, provided those states met or exceeded Maine’s permit requirements.

    Gun Owners of Maine strongly supported this common-sense legislation in order to remove impediments to recognition of Maine’s gun permits throughout the nation.  Maine’s new law will encourage other states to recognize Maine’s permit, and gain Maine’s recognition in return, enhancing the gun rights of both the citizens of those states as well as Mainers.

  • 03 Jan 2016 8:41 PM | Todd
    Maine residents holding a Maine Concealed Handgun Permit will now also be able to carry a handgun in the State of New Hampshire, as a result of legislation passed in 2015 with the support of Gun Owners of Maine.

    LD 868, sponsored by Maine Sen. Paul Davis, overwhelmingly passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 98-43, and unanimously passed the Senate.  The bill established a simple and fair rule for Maine’s recognition of other state’s concealed weapons permits: If another state recognizes Maine’s permit, Maine will recognize theirs.  This replaced the old system in which the Chief of the State Police was able to enter into formal reciprocity agreements with other states, provided those states met or exceeded Maine’s permit requirements.

    Gun Owners of Maine strongly supported this common-sense legislation in order to remove impediments to recognition of Maine’s gun permits throughout the nation.  Maine’s new law will encourage other states to recognize Maine’s permit, and gain Maine’s recognition in return, enhancing the gun rights of both the citizens of those states as well as Mainers.

  • 15 Oct 2015 2:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Constitutional Carry became the law in Maine on October 15, 2015; if you are 21 years of age or more (18+ if active duty or honorably discharged US military) and are not otherwise prohibited from possessing or carrying a firearm, you can now exercise your right to bear arms without obtaining a permit.

    To learn all what you need to know to carry a gun lawfully and safely, sign up for our 100% free online SAFER Basic Handgun Safety and Introduction to Concealed Carry course.

  • 15 Oct 2015 2:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Join our Facebook group for news, information, and discussions of gun rights and general gun talk. It's the best place to keep up-to-date on news, issues, events and developments that affect your gun rights.

    Our community is comprised Federal Firearms Licensed individuals, training instructors, armorers, law enforcement individuals, attorneys, doctors, students, mothers and fathers who are passionate about understanding and expressing our constitutional rights.

    Join us and add your voice to ours. Our voice grows stronger with every new member! As a community we can ensure that our rights shall not be infringed! 

  • 15 Oct 2015 1:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Watch our 10/15/2015 interview with Jon James on Moose 92, the day Constitutional Carry became law, and get the facts. If you want to take advantage of the new law, sign up for our absolutely free online SAFER Basic Handgun Safety and Introduction to Concealed Carry course.

  • 24 Aug 2015 12:00 PM | Todd
    On Monday, Augusta 24, 2015, famously anti-gun New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg's front organization, Everytown for Gun Safety, filed an application with the Secretary of State to place a question on Maine's November 2016 ballot which would ban private sales of firearms and usher in universal gun registration. Bloomberg succeeded in passing a similar measure in Washington State by referendum last year, and intends to use his money to first buy a place on our ballot, and then buy the votes to pass it with a massive media misinformation campaign.
    Gun rights in Maine are under attack. Your help is urgently needed to defend against this very serious assault on our liberties by those who would turn us into another New York or Chicago. Don't allow it.
  • 08 Jul 2015 2:00 PM | Todd

    Governor Paul LePage signed LD 652, Maine Constitutional Carry bill, into law today in a private signing ceremony in the Cabinet Room of the State House. Present for the signing were Gun Owner of Maine Founder Shane Belanger, President Todd Tolhurst, and Firearms Policy Analyst Jeff Zimba.

    The law will become effective 90 days after the Legislature adjourns.

    LD 652 Signing, 07/08/2015

  • 28 Apr 2015 3:30 PM | Todd

    Firearms instructors across Maine support LD 652, Constitutional Carry.  Read the full press release.

  • 13 Apr 2015 5:02 PM | Todd

    Senator Stan Gerzofsky said on television that he has a list of Concealed Handgun Permits which were denied. 

    But permit information is confidential by law.  

    Has the Senator admitted to committing a crime?  That's the question Gun Owners of Maine is asking of the Joint Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety and the President of the Senate.

    Read more here.

  • 13 Apr 2015 4:43 PM | Todd


    Ok, folks, here's the current situation. We did a great job of showing support for LD 652, the Consititional Carry bill, at last Wednesday's public hearing. But, of course, it's not going to be nearly that easy to win. Our opponents are SHOVELLING out-of-state money into Maine to defeat us, and vastly outnumbering us with calls to legislators.

    We have not come this far to be defeated by billionaire-bought astroturf. We need everyone to call your legislators now -- *right now*, as you read this message -- to urge them to support LD 652 and Constitutional Carry.

    You can look up your legislators using the link below -- call BOTH your Senator and your Representative. Be polite, but be firm: You want them to support LD 652.

    Do *not* leave this to someone else to do. We need every single voice behind us on this to counter the manufactured opposition. Call right now.


    You can also leave a message for your representatives at the following numbers:

    House Democrats: (207) 287-1430
    House Republicans: 207-287-1440
    Senate Democrats: (207) 287-1515
    Senate Republicans: (207) 287-1505

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