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  • 23 Jan 2014 8:36 AM | Todd
    A bill from last year's legislative session, LD 222, which would have designated the Chief of the Maine State Police as the sole issuing authority for Concealed Handgun Permits is still alive, having been carried over to this session.  While we can expect that the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will take this bill up soon, it remains to be seen exactly what form this bill will take, as it will likely be amended into something rather different.

    Gun Owners of Maine will keep you informed as this bill moves along.
  • 05 Oct 2013 2:17 PM | Todd
    The drawing in our raffle for a Windham Weaponry MPC AR-15 will take place on Columbus Day, Monday, October 14.  Good luck to everyone to purchased a ticket; one of you will be getting a call from us very soon!

  • 08 Sep 2013 3:00 PM | Todd
    Gun Owners of Maine was at the Bangor Gun Show this weekend, and we had a great time.  We got to meet even more of our friends from Facebook, our paid members and introduced ourselves to many folks for the first time.  Our raffle for the Windham Weaponry MPC AR-15 is all but sold out, as well.

    Thank you to all the volunteers who helped us man the table over the course of the show, and for everyone who stopped by to say hello.

    Nice crowd at the Bangor Gun Show
  • 25 Aug 2013 3:00 PM | Todd
    Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Gun Owners of Maine table at the Augusta Gun Show! This was our first show, and it was great to meet so many of our friends from the Facebook group and those who have become paid members.  We sold a lot of raffle tickets for our Windham Weaponry MPC AR-15, and introduced ourselves to a lot of people for the first time.  

    In a couple of weeks, we'll be at the Bangor show on September 7 & 8. See you there! 

    Gun Owners of Maine members Lee Thompson & Jon James at Augusta Gun Show
  • 04 Jul 2013 9:37 PM | Todd
    The winners of the Gun Owners of Maine Membership and Fundraising Drive Giveaway are:

    Derek Myska - Windham Weaponry MPC Rifle
    Paul & Nancy Burke - Beretta U22 NEOS Pistol
    John Belanger - $100 Cabela's Gift Card

    Congratulations to our winners, and deep appreciation to everyone who became a member of or donated to Gun Owners of Maine. You made our work possible.

    There were a total of 209 chances in the drawing, comprised of 58 memberships and 9 donations.
    Thank you again to everyone who joined and/or donated.
  • 05 Apr 2013 2:28 PM | Todd
    For thoughts on LD 1022, see Concealed Carry, Training & LD 1022.  For an interview with the bill's sponsor, Rep. Peter Johnson, look here.
  • 04 Apr 2013 12:00 AM | Todd
    LD 345, Rep. Corey Wilson's Concealed Handgun Permit data confidentiality bill, was voted Ought To Pass, as amended, by the Judiciary Committee today by a 10-3 vote.  The amendment will permit the release of aggregate data while protecting individual personal information. The bill now moves back to the House and Senate for further action.
  • 03 Apr 2013 11:55 PM | Todd
    Rep. Drew Gattine's LD 380 could effectively criminalize open carry.  Read about it.
  • 23 Mar 2013 9:27 PM | Anonymous


    Help us protect your privacy in Maine!

    What you can do:

    • 1.     Become a member and sign up for our free mailing list: Maine Alert.  The more members we have, the more influence we have upon our legislators, and the better we can lobby on your behalf! 
    • 2.     Tell your friends, we need to get everyone involved!
    • 3.     Call your elected officials right now!
    • ·        Your elected officials feel that this is not a pressing issue, let’s make sure they realize just how important it is to not make law-abiding citizens feel like criminals!  They have chosen to table the bill.  Let us show them the error of their ways!

    The concealed handgun permit privacy bill is: LD-345 Written by Corey Wilson (R-Augusta) This bill will:

    • ·         STOP people that will do anything to make your life harder, just because you choose to exercise your right!
    • ·         Protect your privacy as a law abiding firearms owner.

    1.) Email *and* call the members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety committee. Politely express your support for LD-345, and urge them to vote in favor of LD-345 today! Email alone does not have the impact of a telephone call.

    Sen. Stan Gerzofsky
    D-Cumberland, Chair
    (207) 373-1328

    Rep. Mark N. Dion
    D-Portland, Chair
    (207) 797-6341

    Sen. David E. Dutremble
    (207) 229-6587

    Rep. Ricky D. Long
    R-Sherman, Ranking Mbr.
    (207) 267-1828

    Sen. Gary E. Plummer
    (207) 892-6088

    Rep. Bryan T. Kaenrath
    D-South Portland
    (207) 409-7137

    Rep. Alan M. Casavant
    (207) 284-4690

    Rep. Timothy I. Marks
    (207) 284-4690

    Rep. Joshua R. Plante
    (207) 284-4690

    Rep. Thomas M. Tyler
    (207) 892-9760

    Rep. Jethro D. Pease
    (207) 342-5910

    Rep. Corey S. Wilson
    (207) 469-5295

    Rep. Michel A. Lajoie
    (207) 713-7119

    2.) Call and email YOUR State Representative at 207-287-1400 and your State Senator at 207-287-1540.

    Voice your support for LD-345, Concealed Carry Privacy, urge them to pass it, and insist they oppose all anti-gun proposals this legislative session.  Remind them who they work for, and tell them that you REFUSE TO BE TREATED LIKE A CRIMINAL!
  • 22 Mar 2013 9:32 AM | Todd
    Rep. Tim Marks, the Pittston legislator who has introduced seven bills which would alter Maine's Concealed Handgun Permit system, talks with Gun Owners Of Maine about his bills.  Read the interview in HTML or PDF.
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