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Gun Owners of Maine is a nonpartisan organization that does not endorse candidates. We do, however, grade candidates solely on the issue of gun rights. Grades are based on voting records, answers to our Gun Policy Questionnaire, public statements, and affiliations with gun-related organizations. Grades based on questionnaire responses are indicated by a "Q" in the grade.

An asterisk (*) indicates the candidate's grade is based solely on public statements.

If you are a candidate who would like to receive a grade from Gun Owners of Maine, please complete our Gun Policy Questionnaire.

Candidates awarded a grade by Gun Owners of Maine may use our grade artwork to display their grades on their web sites or printed matter.

NOTE: Grades maybe be updated between now and the election as candidates complete our Gun Policy Questionnaire or clarify their positions on gun rights.

President of the United States



HARRIS, Kamala

Vice President Harris launched the first-ever National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center, which would support the “effective implementation” of state red flag laws. She advocates for “enhanced” background checks for adults under the age of 21 and universal background checks for all, has called for bans on “assault weapons”, and calls firearms owners “extremists”. She is endorsed by the Brady Campaign, Team ENOUGH, Community Justice Action Fund, Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, GIFFORDS, Newtown Action Alliance and Jr Newtown Action Alliance.

 OLIVER, Chase


“I will not support any new gun restrictions and will look to repeal the restrictions that exist today.”


TRUMP, Donald

In public statements, Donald Trump has expressed strong support for the right to keep and bear arms. Early in his presidency, he signed a bill reversing an Obama-era regulation that added an estimated 75,000 people to the federal background check database as prohibited persons merely because they required the assistance of a representative payee to manage their finances--a regulation that the ACLU and 23 disability groups opposed. However, The Trump administration's implementation of a ban on bump stocks is a matter of concern as it sets a dangerous precedent that could lead to the banning of other commonly owned firearm accessories.

United States Senate

 FQ  CHERRY, Jason  If ever there were a candidate who epitomized the "I'm in favor of the Second Amendment...BUT" stance, this is it. He states,  "Respects of the right to keep and bear arms is essential for maintaining the balance of power in our Nation." But then goes on to say he is in favor of registering private firearms and background checks for private sales, "reasonable" red flag laws, will not take a stance on weakening Concealed Carry Laws, and believes waiting periods are an "inconvenience" but necessary to prevent crime. 
 F*  COSTELLO, David  From his website, "Everything that can be done - from expanded mental health services, stricter gun crime sentencing, and increased community policing to waiting periods, universal background checks, and assault weapons bans – should be done to reduce gun-related deaths, injuries, and crime in the United States." 
 F  KING, Angus Angus King has gone from being fairly reasonable on gun rights, to moderate, to proposing the GOSAFE Act (Gas Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion) which would ban commonly used firearms and magazines in a completely arbitrary and nonsensical fashion. 
BQ KOUZOUNAS, Demi Supports the Second Amendment and opposes laws that violate constitutional rights, stating the “rights enumerated in the constitution are absolute”, but would oppose allowing Concealed Weapons Permit holders to carry in schools and believes “advances in technology need to be closely monitored and adjudicated to meet the reasonable goals of the majority of law abiding gun owners”.

US House of Representatives, 1st District

AQ  ALCORN, Ethan According to survey answers, Ethan would oppose background checks on the private sale of firearms, would not support any restrictions on magazine size/accessories, and would support trained adult individuals being allowed to carry a firearm in schools. He would oppose Red Flag laws, and believes the United States and Maine constitutions place strict limits on the government when it comes to regulating firearms.


PINGREE, Chellie

Chellie Pingree has made gun control a central feature of her legislative agenda, and supports all manner of gun restrictions, including reinstatement of the failed Federal Assault Weapon Ban and banning large-capacity magazines, and opposes national concealed carry reciprocity.



"I oppose any and all effort to impose burdensome gun control regulations on law-abiding citizens, and I will advocate for more resources to treat those individuals struggling with mental health issues...Our state and nation face a mental health crisis. The procedures that we already have in place to ensure that relevant mental health records are entered into the firearm background check are inadequate. I support efforts to close these gaps, to ensure that the mental health records of individuals struggling with severe mental health issues, or are in the midst of crisis, are entered into our background check system."

US House of Representatives, 2nd District

 F  GOLDEN, Jared

Jared Golden, as a State Representative, voted for bills that would produce a patchwork of gun-free zones across the state, allow police to seize firearms with little or no due process, impose civil and criminal penalties on citizens who innocently and unknowingly sell a gun to a prohibited person, and voted against Constitutional Carry and against expanding concealed carry reciprocity. In the most recent past, Jared has flip flopped on his stance on the right to bear arms, calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and for expansive Gun Control.                                                                                                                                                                                           



As a one term legislator in the Maine House of Representatives, Theriault voted against Waiting Periods, expanded background checks, holding firearms manufacturers liable for the illegal use of their products, against redefining "Machine Gun" and against the enactment of an ambiguous law pertaining to "Paramilitary" training.

Maine Senate Candidates

Click here for Maine Senate District by Town

District 1   D* MCLAUGHLIN, Vaughn AQ BERNARD, Susan     

District 2 F* RUSH, Matthew A+ STEWART, Harold    
 District 3 F* BROWNELL, Ethan A FARRIN, Bradlee    
 District 4 F* EVANS, Richard A+ GUERIN, Stacey    
 District 5 ? O'DONNELL, Kathleen A+ BLACK, Russell      
District 6 ? GOBLE, Jonathan A MOORE, Marianne    
 District 7 D GROHOSKI, Nicole B HUTCHINS, Sherman    
 District 8 D TIPPING, Mike ? KENNEY, Leo
 District 9 F BALDACCI, Joe ? HINKLEY, Sean    
 District 10 F* DANIELS, Michele A+ HAGGAN, David    
 District 11 D CURRY, Glenn AQMEYER, Robert    
 District 12 F BEEBE-CENTER, Ann BQ ROCKNAK, William (2022 Survey)    
 District 13 F RENY, Cameron ? HARMON, Dale    
 District 14 B


? MCDONNELL, Shannon    
 District 15 F LAROCHELLE, Raegan A BRADSTREET, Richard    
 District 16 ? WHITE, Nathaniel A CYRWAY, Scott    
 District 17 C* WATSON, Thomas A+ TIMBERLAKE, Jeffrey    
District 18 F* MILLER, Linda A BENNETT, Richard    
 District 19 D* BRYANT, Bruce AQ MARTIN, Joseph     
District 20 F SHEATS, BettyannB BICKFORD, Bruce  F*  WARD, Dustin
 District 21 F ROTUNDO, Margaret A CONNOR, Jonathan    
 District 22 ? MCMAHON, Anne A LIBBY, James    
 District 23 F DAUGHTRY, Matthea  A* LAWLER, Michael    
 District 24 F TEPLER, Denise A PIERCE, Jeffrey  ?  ANDRESON, Suzanne
 District 25 F PIERCE, Teresa ?READ, James     
 District 26 D NANGLE, Timothy ? CIANCHETTE, Kenneth    
 District 27 F DUSON, Jill ?HOLMAN, Dale    
 District 28 F TALBOT-Ross, Rachel

 District 29 F CARNEY, Anne AQ HOWELL, Christopher    
 District 30 F BRENNER, Stacy  ? HAMILL, Donald    
 District 31 F BAILEY, Donna   
 District 32 F INGWERSEN, Henry

 District 33 F* LAUZON, Daniel A+ HARRINGTON, Matthew    
 District 34 F RAFFERTY, Joseph ? DUCHARME, Bradley    
District 35 F LAWRENCE, Mark AQ RAKIC, Julie    

Maine House of Representatives Candidates

Click here for Maine House District by Town

Dist. 1 C MARTIN, John ? DAIGLE, Lucien
Dist. 2 C MARTIN, Roland "Danny" A ALBERT, Roger    
Dist. 3 F MCCREA, David  A BABIN, Mark    
Dist. 4 F* PARADIS, Samantha A GUERRETTE, Timothy    
Dist. 5 F* FREEMAN, Kevin A UNDERWOOD, Joseph    
Dist. 6 F* Tompkins, Melanie A+ ARDELL, Donald

Dist. 7 ? STERNLIEB, Corinne A SWALLOW, Gregory    
Dist. 8 ? COLLINS, Nicole A QUINT, Tracy    
Dist. 9 D* MCGAW, Darin AQ MINGO, Arthur    
Dist. 10 ? COLMAN, Peter B TUELL, William

Dist. 11 ? ROGERS, Roland A  STROUT, Tiffany    
Dist. 12 ? BAMFORD, Norman A+ FAULKINGHAM, Billy Bob

Dist. 13F WORTH, James ? WHITE, Russell    
Dist. 14 F* FRIEDMAN, Gary ? GRAY, Sandra    
Dist. 15 F EATON, Holly

 AQ  JOYCE, Jason
Dist. 16 F* MILLIKEN, Nina

 Dist. 17 C RUSSELL, Ronald ? BISHOP, Steven    
Dist. 18

? MCINTYRE Mathew    
Dist. 19

A CAMPBELL, Richard    
Dist. 20 ? O'HALLORAN, Dani ? JUDE, Patrick "Pat"    
Dist. 21 F RANA, Ambureen  

Dist. 22 F SUPICA, Laura AQ O'NEAL, Colleen

Dist. 23 F ROEDER, Amy AQ CARTIER, Justin

Dist. 24 F

PERRY, Joseph

? LAPOINTE, Daniel    
Dist. 25 F OSHER, Laurie ?  CASEY, THOMAS    
Dist. 26 D DILL, James AQ OUELLETTE, Christina    
Dist. 27 ? CROCKETT, Peter A DRINKWATER, Gary    
Dist. 28 D* DIPENTINO, Natalie A GIFFORD, Irene    
Dist. 29F* YORK, Laurie A JAVNER, Kathy

Dist. 30 F* SIDELL, W. Louis A+ WHITE, James    
Dist. 31 AQBROWN, Joseph A+ PERKINS, Chad    
Dist. 32

A FOSTER, Steven    
Dist. 33 ? Bridgman, Laura A FREDETTE, Kenneth     
Dist. 34

A  GRIFFIN, Abigail

Dist.35  ? AUGUSTINE, Candace A+  THORNE, James    
Dist. 36

AQ  HAGGAN, Kimberly  D  WRIGHT, Shelby
Dist. 37 D CUDDY, Scott A+ REAGAN, Paul    
Dist. 38 ? ELLIS, Eileen A  HYMES, Benjamin

Dist. 39 F DODGE, Janice C* HEMENWAY, Stephen    
Dist. 40 F* RAY, D Michael AQ  MCLAUGHLIN, Joseph    
Dist. 41 F DOUDERA, Victoria ?  RAYMOND, Cory    
Dist. 42 F GEIGER, Valli ? HOPKINS, Jamie
Dist. 43 F MATLACK, Ann AQ  SPRAGUE, Heather    
Dist. 44

Dist. 45 ? EATON, James A SIMMONS, Abden    
Dist. 46 F CRAFTS, Lydia ?  DAXLAND, Mary Lou    
Dist. 47 F* FARRIN, Wayne A POLEWARCZYK, Ed  

Dist. 48 F STOVER, Holly AQ HUNT, James William, III    
Dist. 49 D HEPLER, Allison CQ BROWN, Vincent

Dist. 50 D SINCLAIR, David ? EAMES, Harold    
Dist. 51 F* MACIAS, Rafel ? BRILLANT, Leon    
Dist. 52 F CLUCHEY, Sally   AQGUILMETTE, David

Dist. 53 F* TUNKLE, Judy A LEMELIN, Michael    
Dist. 54 F MONTELL, Karen ? WILLIAMS, Scott

Dist. 55 F SHAGOURY, Daniel ? BOYD, Joe    
Dist. 56

Dist. 57 D* HASENFUS, Tavis  ? POTVIN, David    
Dist. 58

A NEWMAN, Daniel  F*  FROST, Sharon
Dist. 59 F* ROLLINS, David AQ EMERSON, Marcus    
Dist. 60 F BRIDGEO, William AQ MACDOWELL, Wendy    
Dist. 61 F* JONES, Laura AQ COLLINS, Alicia    
Dist. 62 F* SWIFT, Pamela A+ SMITH, Katrina

Dist. 63 ? TRAHAN, Lee AQ FLYNN, Paul    
Dist. 64 F* DEBRITO, Flavia ? MALCOLM, Ruth    
Dist. 65 F* JULIA, Cassie ? BROWN, Tammy    
Dist. 66 D* BARNES, Alicia A NUTTING, Robert    
Dist. 67 F* TOWNSEND, Matthew A+ RUDNICKI, Shelley

Dist. 68 F* BLAKE, Brian A COLLAMORE, Amanda

Dist. 69 ? TORY, Richard A CRAY, Dean

Dist. 70 ? GRAY, Cecil A+ POIRIER, Jennifer    
Dist. 71 D DORNEY, Ann A DUCHARME, John "Jack"    
Dist. 72

A* CARUSO, Elizabeth  ?  SOMA-HERNANDEZ, Cynthia
Dist. 73

A SOBOLESKI, Michael  D*  BOND, Tiffany
Dist. 74 F* KIMBER, Gregory A HALL, Randall    
Dist. 75 C LANDRY, H. Scott Jr. AQ GAUVIN, Randall    
Dist. 76 ? HOWES, Samuel A LYMAN, Sheila    
Dist. 77

Dist. 78 F* GIROUX, Eric A+ HENDERSON, Rachel    
Dist. 79

? LANCE, Michael  ?  NUTT, Charlotte
Dist. 80 ? HILL, Roberta A JACKSON, Caldwell    
Dist. 81 F* BEAL, Joan AQ WOOD, Peter    
Dist. 82 F* NEWMAN, Heather A WADSWORTH, Nathan

Dist. 83 F* CASTLEMAN-ROSS, Carrye AQ CIMINO, Marygrace

Dist. 84 F* DOVE, Cassandra A WALKER, Mark    
Dist. 85 ? ERICKSON, Travis A POMERLEAU, Kimberly    
Dist. 86 F* MESSSINGER, Craig ? OLSEN, Rolf    
Dist. 87

A+ BOYER, David

Dist. 88 ? DAMIEN, Stefanie AQ CHAPMAN, Quentin    
Dist. 89 F LEE, Adam ? JANELLE, John

Dist. 90 ? CAMPBELL, Daniel A+ LIBBY, Laurel    
Dist. 91 ? HUNTER, Phyllis A MORRIS, Joshua rec

Dist. 92

A WOOD, Stephen  ?  GIRARDIN, Scott
Dist. 93 F* MCCABE, Julia ? MCCARTHY, Robert    
Dist. 94 F CLOUTIER, Kristen ?  SNOW-BLACK, Kendil    
Dist. 95 F ABDI, Mana ?CASAVANT, Marc

Dist. 96 ? PROJANSKY, David CQ CLEMENT, Kerryl Lee    
Dist. 97

A+ MASON, Richard    
Dist. 98 F* WEBB, Kilton   A* LEBIDA, Guy     
Dist. 99 F GOLEK, Cheryl A HALL, Sean    
Dist. 100 F ANKELES, Dan ? PRESCOTT, IVON    
Dist. 101 F ARFORD, Poppy

Dist. 102 F SACHS, Melanie ? FINEGAN JR, James    
Dist. 103 F BELL, Arthur

Dist. 104 F* STRICKLER, Colleen A ARATA, Amy

Dist. 105 F GRAHAM, Anne A AUSTIN, Susan    
Dist. 106 F* POLAND, Doris A BAGSHAW, Barbara    
Dist. 107 F PRINGLE, Jane ?
COOPER, Mark  A  COREY, Patrick
Dist. 108 F TERRY, Parnell William ? MOODY, M Thad    
Dist. 109 F* SATO, Eleanor ?
Dist. 110 F* MITCHELL, Christina ?  JORDAN, Scott

Dist. 111 F KUHN, Amy ?
JONES, John    
Dist. 112 F CROCKETT, W. Edward ?
WOLEJKO, Steven    
Dist. 113 F
LOOKNER, Grayson  
Dist. 114 F* PUGH, Dylan ?
WAKEM, Jacob    
Dist. 115 F BRENNAN, Michael

Dist. 116 F ZAGER, Samuel

Dist. 117 F MOONEN, Matthew 

Dist. 118 ?

YUSUF, Yusuf

Dist. 119 F SKOLD, Charles ? DOYLE, Peter    
Dist. 120 F DHALAC, Deqa ? DOUGHERTY, Michael

Dist. 121 F KESSLER, Christopher ? WALTER, Tammy    
Dist. 122 F BECK, Matthew A* POCK, Michael     
Dist. 123 F* BOYER, Michelle ? CHRISTY, Annie    
Dist. 124 F WARREN, Sophia ? ROSENBLATT, Annalee    
Dist. 125 F NOONAN MURPHY, Kelly ? STERLING, Kayla    
Dist. 126 F GATTINE, Andrew ? SMITH, Leslie    
Dist. 127 F RIELLY, Morgan A* POITRAS, Ryan    
Dist. 128 F SALISBURY, Suzanne ? ELLIS, Charles    
Dist. 129 D* ARCHER, Marshall A* STODDARD, Jacob    
Dist. 130 F COPELAND, Lynn C* SIROIS, Theodore    
Dist. 131 F GRAMLICH, Lori A* ECCLESTON, Scott    
Dist. 132 F FECTEAU, Ryan ? GADBOIS, David    
Dist. 133 F MALON, Marc        
Dist. 134 ? GERE, Traci AQ JORDAN, Elizabeth    
Dist. 135F* SAYRE, Daniel ? CRAIG, Scott

Dist. 136 F* CONNERS, Michelle ? EDER, John    
Dist. 137 ? GLEASON, Elizabeth ? CARLOW, Nathan    
Dist. 138 ? MCKINNEY, Michael A BLIER, Mark D* BARDEN, Michael III
Dist. 139 D* KROLICK, Clifford A+ WOODSOME, David    
Dist. 140 F* NEDEAU, Jason A+ PARRY, Wayne    
Dist. 141 ? KIDDER, Patricia A LANIGAN, Lucas    
Dist. 142 F MASTRACCIO, Anne-Marie AQ BELL, Amy    
Dist. 143 D MANENDE HALL, Kathryn A FREDERICKS, Ann Marie    
Dist. 144 F* COLE, Corinna A ADAMS, Jeffrey    
Dist. 145 F HOBBS, Daniel A FOLEY, Robert    
Dist. 146 F RUNTE, Walter Jr.  ? MOULTON, Bradley    
Dist. 147 F SARGENT, Holly 
Dist. 148 ? LOZUAWAY-MCCOMSEY, Tristan A LAVIGNE, Thomas    
Dist. 149 F ROBERTS, Tiffany ? DAVIS-ROUILLARD, Kelly    
Dist. 150 F MEYER, Michele AQ ZIMMER, Mark    
Dist. 151  F  MATHIESON, Kristi ?    JOHNSON, Suzanne    
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