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  • 27 Jun 2023 2:48 PM | Anonymous

    LD 168 - "An Act Regarding Criminal Background Checks for the Sale, Transfer or Exchange of Firearms" has not passed the senate.

    It was voted on last minute in the House and passed by 1 vote with 14 absent. After moving to the Senate it was voted down.


  • 14 Jun 2023 9:12 AM | Anonymous

    Yesterday the House voted AGAINST a 72 Hour Waiting period for gun owners who have already passed a background check to be able to take their firearms home.

    This is a huge victory given the current make-up of the legislature when it comes to gun rights, outlined in the article below.

    Legislature fails in initial try to push gun control through House

  • 09 Jun 2023 8:30 AM | Anonymous


    There are only a few days left in the current legislative session and the Maine House and Senate could be voting any day on Gun Rights Bills.

    Now is the time to contact your individual representation and make sure they know where you stand on the Second Amendment.

    Using the links below to find your legislators by your city/town, please consider reaching out to YOUR Senator and Representative and urge them to vote AGAINST Gun Control.

    We encourage you to:

    • Address your legislator personally and indicate you are their constituent.
    • Politely ask them to vote in favor of the Second Amendment and against Gun Control.
    • If you want to speak to any particular gun rights related bill, do so.
    • Sign your name and the town you live in so they know they represent you

    Even if you know your legislators stands with us on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a note of encouragement in the face of adversity can never hurt!

    Contact your State Senator

    Contact your State Representative

  • 24 May 2023 6:41 PM | Anonymous


    This week, radical anti-gun politicians in the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee rammed through a slew of extreme gun-control bills. They ignored expert testimony on how these bills do not address public safety issues. They ignored thousands of Maine gun owners who contacted them highlighting the fact that these laws only restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. The only person they didn’t ignore: anti-gun Billionaire Mike Bloomberg.

    To save our 2A rights in Maine, we must double down and fight these bills. I’m calling on all members to join GOME members and the National Rifle Association for a “Maine Lobby Day” on Tuesday, May 30th at 9AM. Members will meet at the Maine State House where they will be given free t-shirts, gear, and handouts before heading upstairs to lobby members to vote against these anti-gun bills.

    A summary of some of the worst bills are below for reference:

    LD 22 is an overly broad bill that puts Maine out of alignment with federal law regarding the sale of antique firearms. This bill classifies these firearms in the same class as all other firearms, resulting in a conflict with how these sales are processed. This would put sellers who follow federal law, in violation of state law.

    LD 60 delays Second Amendment rights by imposing a three-day waiting period before an individual may receive a firearm that they lawfully purchase, with limited exemptions. There is no evidence that waiting periods reduce violent crime. Instead, this simply denies someone the ability to buy a firearm for urgent self-defense.

    LD 168 requires background checks for all private sales of firearms, including those at gun shows or resulting from advertising, with very limited exceptions. It applies to a private sale between two parties – including friends, neighbors, and coworkers, regardless of where the sale takes place. All such transfers – even if the seller knows the recipient is not a prohibited person – would have to be conducted through a federal firearm licensed dealer (FFL), with extensive federal paperwork, payment of an undetermined fee, and approval from the U.S. government.

    LD 1011 requires law abiding gun owners who are victims of theft, to report the stolen firearm within 72 hours of when the owner knew or “should have known” it was lost or stolen. Rather than deter fraudulent gun sales, this bill would turn victims of gun theft into criminals and make people whose guns have been lost or stolen hesitant to assist police for fear of prosecution.

    LD 1340 bans legal “rapid-fire modification devices” that are already commonly owned and in use by Mainers. These devices include but are not limited to bump stocks and binary triggers that are used in a wide array of legal activities, including competitive and recreational shooting. Possession of such devices would be a Class D crime.

    Again, please make sure you join your fellow gun-owners on Tuesday, May 30th at the Maine State House to protect our 2A rights.

  • 14 Apr 2023 2:00 PM | Anonymous

    Please see the following bill: https://legislature.maine.gov/legis/bills/display_ps.asp?LD=1691&snum=131

    This could create a situation where manufacturers will not sell into the state, potentially "soft-banning" common firearms like handguns and semi-automatic rifles.

  • 24 Mar 2023 10:49 PM | Anonymous
    Check out our tips on emailing Legislators on our bill tracking page: 131st Bill Tracking
  • 09 Mar 2023 11:01 AM | Anonymous

    Hearing March 13th 10:00 - See below:

    ME LD 674 HP 443, An Act to Allow Bail Commissioners to Carry Firearms in Correctional Facilities and Jails -- (Hearing: Monday, March 13, 2023 10:00 AM,State House, Room 436)

  • 26 Feb 2023 10:16 AM | Anonymous

    Two bills (both pro-2A) will be having hearings in early March - See below:

    ME LD 271 SP 130, An Act Requiring The University Of Maine System And The Maine Community College System To Offer A For-Credit Course On Hunting, Fishing, Recreational Shooting And Trapping -- (Hearing: Education and Cultural Affairs | Mar 06, 2023 01:00 PM, Cross Office Building, 111 Sewall St, Augusta, ME 04330, Room 208

    ME LD 629 HP 406, An Act To Improve, Protect And Defend The Individual Civil Right To Bear Arms Through Exemption Of Firearms And Ammunition From Taxation -- (Hearing: Taxation | Mar 09, 2023 02:00 PM, Maine State House, 210 State St, Augusta, ME 04330, Room 127

  • 16 Feb 2023 5:37 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In 2021, Gun Owners of Maine launched the Tolhurst Grant Program.

    Named to honor the work and legacy of our late President (Todd Tolhurst), these grants were awarded to individuals and organizations that offer hands-on firearm instruction. The funds were for the purpose of providing free or reduced-cost training to new and inexperienced gun owners in Maine.

    We are happy to announce that we are offering the grants again in 2023. Up to ten grants of $500 each (one per training entity) will be awarded.

    Grant applications will be accepted from 01/16/2023 through 03/16/2023. Applications must be received by 03/16/2023 to be considered. Terms and conditions are outlined in the grant application.

    Questions can be directed to: info@gunownersofmaine.org

    The grant application can be downloaded here: 2023 Tolhurst Grant Application.pdf

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